Air Filters

Deferent type of Air Filters :

HEPA Filters:

Our HEPA filters are designed for high efficiency commercial and industrial applications. The efficiency rages include: 950 Series - 95% and 1000 Series - 99.99% all based on a .30 micron size particle. Our HEPA filters are produced in a wide range of sizes, frame types and header combinations and are ideal for converting or upgrading existing systems.


These are used for process related ventilation systems. Heavy-duty construction makes for an ideal primary filter. Variety of custom media also provides excellent filtration and capture of fine particulate. Combination synthetic and cellulose media is most commonly found in powder paint spray booths. To facilitate improved powder reclaim, spun bond polyester media is recommended.

Extended surface non-supported bag filter:

Extended surface non-supported bag filters are designed for use in air filtration systems and equipment where medium to high efficiency filtration is required. Available in a wide variety of standard sizes, face dimensions, pocket number and depth, our bag filter provides optimal performance in air handling systems where the air flow is constant.

Galvanized metal frame, (header) and internal pocket support retainers, provide strength and rigidity to this product.

The pockets, comprised of 100% polymer fibers, are secured within the inside perimeter of the header by a crimping process between individual j-channels. Each pocket is sonically sealed along the outside edges to prevent bypass.

Rigid construction, extended surface, long service life and savings in energy costs are features and benefits which make our bag filter an excellent option for meeting the requirements of medium to high efficiency filtration.
